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Archive for the 'web' Category

Flickr and copyright of public domain works

Monday, February 12th, 2007

This post over at House of Commons caught my eye because of its use of an image that appears to be something one would expect to be in the public domain, but is licensed under a Creative Commons licence.  It is just the type of image that one can find in the US Library of […]

Providing free WiFi from closed networks

Friday, February 9th, 2007

Via Boing Boing, the WiFi Liberator is:
…an open-source toolkit for a laptop computer that enables its user to “liberate” pay-per-use wireless networks and create a free, open node that anyone can connect to for Internet access. [Link].
The idea is that one person pays for use, and then shares that connection with others.
This is an area […]

Chinese expansions, Beatles reconciliations, and EFF Europeans

Tuesday, February 6th, 2007

Two Scottish firms, Patent and Trade Mark powerhouse Marks & Clerk and Pinsent Masons — who are big on IT issues and publish the excellent OUT-LAW — are expanding their operations in China. [The Herald].
For those of you in and around Austin, EFF-Austin’s next general meeting will be on 15 February at Cafe Caffeine, 909 […]

Library of Congress - Photos from 1939-1945

Sunday, February 4th, 2007

I’ve been browsing the photo collections in the Library of Congress. One of their latest collections is photographs of ‘America from the Great Depression to World War II’. Unlike in the UK, which has Crown Copyright, works by the United States Goverment do not have copyright. No copyright permission is needed to use the […]

From Japanese YouTube to Posner on Wikipedia

Friday, February 2nd, 2007

Been busy for the past few days working on materials for the Free Trade Project. Check out the latest posts at the blog. Here are some of the links and news that I’ve been reading for the week.
YouTube is talking to Japanese content owners over copyright licensing. Many Japanese publishers had complained this fall about […]

Wii launches news channel…

Saturday, January 27th, 2007

…in an attempt to get users to turn on their consoles more often. Basically it is a feed sent to the console via the internet –Nintendo is introducing a browser as well. Are we in for another round of that great tech buzz word ‘convergence’?

Wiki on the brain

Thursday, January 25th, 2007

Microsoft has apparently paid an independent expert to correct Wikipedia entries about some of its technology
Not sure how I feel about this, though I’m begining to think that there is a big need for smaller wikis to get people motivated in order to generate accurate, up-to-date information. Paying some people to contribute regularly is a […]

skill through rapidly pushing buttons